PeerNetBC was preparing to move to a new location, and staff would be working from home for an interim period. They contacted Krafted Solutions to help them reconfigure their IT system to support telecommuting.

PeerNetBC provides support and information to peer-led groups including volunteer-based charities, support groups for those with health or personal issues, and political grass-roots organizations: any group where the responsibility of leading and organizing is shared among peers.
In preparation for working from home, their email needed to be moved from local office computers into an always available and secure system. Files, too, needed to be shared between staff more easily using an online system, with good security features, regular backups and easy options for staff to upload and download. Telephone and fax numbers had to be redirected so the phone lines were monitored.
At the same time, PeerNetBC also wished to redesign their web site to be more user-friendly, with an up to date design, and to implement an online registration system that had been recommend to them for managing their workshops.
To support PeerNetBC we:
researched and recommended a storage and access solution for files
configured email accounts to make them available securely from anywhere
participated in discussions with PeerNetBC’s marketing advisor and new webmaster on the requirements of the new website
assisted PeerNetBC with understanding their needs for event management
communicated those needs to the online registration software developer to ensure the tool met the organization’s needs and wouldn’t end up costing them in the long run
provided support as the new online registration software was brought online
PeerNetBC successfully made the transition to working from home, and later to their new improved office.
If your non-profit is looking to facilitate telecommuting, or moving to a new location, Krafted Solutions can help smooth the way. Contact us to find out more.


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